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Outpatient Detox From Opioids: What to Expect

Outpatient Detox From Opioids: What to Expect

If you’re reading this, either you or a loved one is trying to figure out the best way to break free from an opioid use disorder. This road is not an easy one, and you’re taking the right step by learning about our outpatient detox services.

At Northshore Family Practice, our team is devoted to helping patients overcome substance use disorders of all kinds, including those that involve opioids, which can be especially tough. 

Here’s a look at what you can expect when you take the first steps on the road to recovery through our outpatient program.

Is outpatient detox right for you?

Before we get into how we can help you detox safely, it’s important to first determine whether an outpatient program is right for you. First and foremost, you need to closely consider your homefront and whether it’s conducive to detoxing or whether it may only add to your challenges.

For example, do you live with people who will be supportive of your detox, or are you surrounded by those who may still be using? Even if members of your household don’t use opioids, the presence of other substances, such as alcohol or marijuana, can be problematic.

We want to make sure that you’re able to detox in a home environment that’s safe and stable and presents more of an asset than a liability during this difficult journey.

As well, if you’re planning on continuing to go to work or school during your detox, it’s important that you feel safe in these environments. We do recommend, however, that you take at least a week away from these activities so that you can concentrate on your recovery.

If you feel confident that your environment at home and at work or school meets these criteria, then let’s look at how outpatient detox works.

Outpatient detox basics

After we fully evaluate your health and the extent of your opioid use disorder, we devise a plan to help you weather the initial detox from opioids.

Opioid withdrawal can be incredibly uncomfortable, and even dangerous, if you attempt to do it “cold turkey,” which is why we provide support by way of medications and counseling.

First, our medication-assisted treatments, which may include Suboxone® and/or Vivitrol®, are designed to control the physical symptoms of withdrawal as well as manage the uncontrollable cravings. 

These medications help you safely wean off opioids and also help prevent relapse in early recovery. All too often, people are unable to quit using because the withdrawal symptoms are severe enough that picking up again seems the better path.

While our medications can greatly ease the path forward, we also recommend other recovery support services during this time, such as support groups and individual therapy. These therapies play an incredibly valuable role in helping you successfully detox and will continue to play a role as you move forward in recovery.

Between our outpatient detox services and your commitment to quitting, we feel confident that we can help you break free from your opioid use disorder. If you have more questions, please contact our office Bothell, Washington.

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